IMPORTANT UPDATE: Structural Fire at Telegraph Cove

(Although the waters surrounding Telegraph Cove are renowned for its Salmon fishing, at this time there is no retention of Springs (Chinook) until July 15, except in some areas of the Broughton Archipelago. At this time however, there is excellent fishing for Halibut, Lingcod and Rockfish.

In nearby Beaver Cove, there is great fishing for Prawns, one of life sweetest treats.

Dungeness Crab, cooked and ready to enjoy, equal to fresh Prawns in taste.

Highlight photos!

50 pound Halibut. Neil caught this fish in 50 feet of water near Retreat Pass.

Jarrod with Lingcod, estimated to weigh 40 pounds, it was released, as all Lingcod this size are female and they are responsible for continuing to supply us with future good fishing

In the Broughton Archipelago, you are allowed one Chinook under 80 cms., per day. The areas you are allowed to fish are 20 to 30 miles from the Cove. Ferlin caught this 26 pound Chinook at Protection Point in Knight Inlet, 35 miles from the Cove. This fish was over 80 cms., so was released after a quick picture.
In early July, Coho and Pinks start to show up along Malcolm Island and Blackfish Sound. Coho, 1 per day, Pinks, 4 per day.

Charters are available, but if you have your own boat, what to use and where to go is freely shared by guides and residents.)



The waters surrounding Telegraph Cove provide some of the best fishing on the West Coast. Best of all, you fish and boat in the calm seas on the inside of the island where the many islands, inlets and bays provide protection from wave and swell action.

Depending of the time of year five species of salmon inhabit the area. Chinook or Spring Salmon as we locals call them, also known as King Salmon to our American guests arrive early June and stay  around for the entire season. In July, the Pink Salmon run starts. Later in the summer Sockeye Salmon, also know as Reds,  arrive followed by the feisty Coho or Silver Salmon which are plentiful in August, and the Big Northerner Cohos usually show up in September. The last salmon species to arrive in the waters surrounding Telegraph Cove is the Chum (Dog) Salmon which usually hang around in large schools till the middle of October.

Bottom fishing includes the elusive Halibut, together with the Lingcod  an extremely common fish in our waters. A variety of Rock Fish such as Yellow Eye, Quillback and Tiger and the tasty Black Cod are very common and can easily be caught.

Some of our guests are expert Saltwater Fly fishermen and take advantage of opportunities to catch  pink, coho and sockeye salmon.

Interested in some big fish ? Our guests have caught (and released) halibut up to 264 pounds, lings of over 70 pounds, yelloweyes in the 30plus pound class, and our resort record spring salmon came in at 68 pounds.

Telegraph Cove also offers great opportunities for Crabbing and Prawning. We have a well-stocked tackle shop that sells freezer bait such as herrings and anchovies and fish bags for your catch. Our friendly staff in the tackle shop inside our General Store will be happy to advise you what to use to get best results on the water.

Guided Fishing

For guests that don’t have their own boat or want to learn more about our favourite fishing spots and techniques and catch the BIG ONE, we have a number of experienced guides available who are based in the resort.

Gordie Graham, owner of Telegraph Cove Resort, operates a 25’ Skipjack that will take a maximum of 4 people and charges $120.00 per hour with a 5 hour minimum.

Roy Graham operates a 24’ Center Console that will take a maximum of 6 people (only 4 can fish at a time) and charges $120.00 per hour with a 5 hour minimum. $25.00 extra charge for 5th and 6th person.

Leo Tureczek operates a 22’ Searay that will take a maximum of 4 people and charges $120.00 per hour with a 5 hour minimum.


Please email our office at  INFO@TELEGRAPHCOVERESORT.COM or call 1-800-200-4665 to book your fishing charter.

Fishing licenses are a requirement and can be purchased (REGISTER HERE >>> ONLINE ) or in the main office for an additional $20 fee per license. They are NOT included in the charter rate.  Don’t forget to add your Salmon Stamp for retention of salmon. For current fishing regulations, please visit Department of Fisheries and Oceans >>